Our Students

Watch what our students can do with abacus mental math!

Skyler Johnson

Skyler says he loves abacus because it helped him "for the first time get all A's" on his report card. Skyler was born with an auditory processing disorder and was struggling in school. After his parents enrolled him in our abacus program, his listening skills improved so much so that he can now capture numbers mentally and process calculations at super high speeds!

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Ethan C.

Ethan has been with us all the way and is currently in the final grade level of our program! Ethan believes that abacus has helped him perform exceptionally well in school and he is also a top performing competitive swimmer!

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Joyce Wang

Joyce started taking our abacus program at a young age and is already performing great and showing off her skills!

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Avaneesh Senthilkumar

Avaneesh loves abacus because it helps him stay sharp and confident at school. Because Avaneesh was able to pick up abacus math at such a young age, he was already ahead of his peers at school and was able to learn math and read at higher grade levels!

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Nathan Lu

Watch as Nathan calculates numbers at super-fast speeds with incredible accuracy using abacus mental math that he learned with Abacus Brain Gym! And hear what he has to say at the end about how abacus math has helped him!

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Gabriel C.

Watch Gabriel proudly show us his newly acquired mental math skills from taking our abacus program!

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Vyasa Wilcox

Vyasa is another one of our quick learners who has been able to transition to using abacus mental math. Watch him show off his impressive skills!

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Sahasra Ramasamy

Sahasra started our abacus program at just 4 years old. She enjoys showing off her abacus skills along with many other talents on her own Youtube channel! Sahasra is here to prove that any child can start learning abacus, even at just 4 years old!

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Albert A.

Albert is one of our veteran international students who is training with our program from Indonesia! Watch him impress the crowd by mentally calculating up to six figure numbers!

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Aidan Watson

Aidan loves abacus because it allows him to feel like a champion and be rewarded for his accomplishments. Aidan logs on daily to Learn Abacus Online and completes a ton of homework so that he can earn prizes and see his name on our global abacus hall of fame leaderboard!

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Parent Testimonials

Hear why parents are raving about our program!

"I tell my son frequently how fortunate he is that he is taking the abacus program. He has an amazing opportunity to develop his math and memory skills, creativity, logic and visualization abilities at a level that will be necessary if he is to compete in his future's global marketplace. There is a small window of opportunity that children have to take advantage of Abacus. I would not think twice about enrolling a child. I truly believe those children who don't take abacus are at a distinct disadvantage."

Teresa Kuhn

"Of all the things parents have to worry about with their children, we now have one worry to cross off of our list. We are confident that with the abacus approach to math, our daughter will be more than adequately prepared in math. Abacus has opened a whole new world for our daughter. She has gained such confidence in herself and feels good about her accomplishments. She is able to track her own growth in math and push herself to get better. She is learning how preparation leads to preparedness."

Curtis Wilson

"Since both my husband and I are educators, we get a chance to see firsthand the effects of not being adequately academically prepared. We know that our students struggle in math nation-wide. We feel blessed beyond measure to have been exposed to Abacus Brain Gym's teaching of abacus to our daughter."

Nina Wilson

"Since engaging in the program, we've seen improvements in our son's overall academic achievements, concentration & comprehension levels, memory power, reading speed, and overall confidence level. He is able to do more in less time and thrives in pressure situations."

Michelle Adamolekun

"After two years of abacus training, Nicholas is way ahead of his peers in many ways. Through the mental stimulation of image-abacus practice, Nicholas has the opportunity to synchronize his left and right brain and we think he may have more connections in his brain network than we do. We are very strong believers of the program due to the benefits we observed in Nicholas and we enrolled our second son Alan who just started kindergarten. Both Nicholas and Alan love the abacus!"

Annie Gao

"I think one major benefit of abacus is confidence/self esteem. When our kids are doing things that others cannot do, it will be a source of both. Today, Cole was doing some mental math - using image abacus. A Watchdog (a dad that helps in the class / around the school) saw him and said “I can’t even do that”. Of course, Cole was proud of himself and told me about it this afternoon. I’m with the Watchdog and can’t do it either! I’m really excited for our kids and what they are all accomplishing in the abacus program."

Kristine Foster

"I worked (watched) with my daughter doing abacus homework for the first couple weeks and then, she started to finish it herself. I don't even need to ask her to do it. She has never been this aggressive on anything before the abacus training. She has gained more confidence than ever before!"

Grace Chen

"The progress in my daughter, Kaela, has been incredible! Though tough at first, she has a lot more self-confidence in math. As with all things, it is helping her in other activities as she comes to understand that hard work pays off!"

Myung Lemond

"I can honestly say that when I first tried to register my son to learn abacus, my husband was very skeptical about the abacus program. He said our son doesn't need this abacus program. A few months into the training, my husband became a believer and one of the strongest supporters of the Abacus Brain Gym program. In fact, my husband has been recommending the abacus program to all of our families and close friends. My husband always asks our son to demonstrate his abacus skill to his peers, especially when they visit our house. I strongly endorse and appreciate Abacus Brain Gym's program."

Anita Luo

"I am so fortunate that I made the right decision to put my daughter, Rayhan, in the abacus program almost a year ago. Soon after one level of abacus training with Abacus Brain Gym, I discovered that it had made a dramatic improvement on Rayhan's concentration skill and memory power. She used to have problems memorizing musical notes and the piano teacher had to spend over the entire session to remind her of just one simple mistake. Now, with the mental stimulation through image abacus, Rayhan can memorize 6 pages of piano notes easily and play without the notes in front of her."

Iris Chang

"In sharp contrast to the previous absent-minded Steven, he is a lot more focused now and can concentrate on one thing for a long time. I owe all of this to the abacus training and Abacus Brain Gym’s effective teaching methods. I hope more and more parents will realize the potential of the abacus brain training and let their children have this opportunity which they probably never had when they grew up."

Chun Wang

"We are grateful to Abacus Brain Gym's contribution and dedication to improve Subham's overall ability. Besides his math, we found he is now improved a lot in other studies. Now he has a competitive attitude towards study, which is more vital. We found your ways of study and interaction with kids contribute a lot towards improving the quality of kids education."

Smita Sahoo

"I am glad that I discovered this opportunity for my child to learn Abacus. After a little bit over one month, Derek has been handling the finger movement and the reaction of the sound very well. All my family members have been impressed by his progress and the speed to come up with the answers by using the abacus. I believe that with Abacus Brain Gym's well-prepared training program, Derek is benefitting tremendously with this unique asset."

Darda Chang

"We are really glad to have signed Neal up for the brain training at Abacus Brain Gym. In less than 6 months, Neal has gone from 2 numbers addition to 8 numbers addition and subtraction all done in his mind mentally through his imagination skill. Although Neal is only 5 years old and in kindergarten, he has shown the learning skill acquired at the second grade level and he has become an excellent reader. We are very impressed with his reading skill and he can even spell very difficult words that we wouldn't have expected him to have the memory skill to recall the letters."

Rina Gajjar

"We truly believe that the mental abacus training helps synchronize both sides of the brain to work actively for much more efficient learning and help kids build confidence. We are so glad that Abacus Brain Gym is doing this for our kids."

Pankaj Gajjar

"Not only is the program superb, but Abacus Brain Gym also has loving teachers who have an incredible passion not only for teaching Abacus but motivating the children to develop their God given gifts."

David K.

"Learning time tables can be tough for a lot of kids. However, this abacus program makes the learning transition so smooth for my kids. Now, they do time tables very well and it makes them so confident at school in math. I am glad both of my kids have an opportunity to attend this abacus program. It is not only to improve their math skills, but also to help them build their confidence and enrich their thinking process."

Winnie Chan

"It is really our kids' fortune to have the chance to learn this. Please provide this precious chance to your children, believe me, you won't regret it."

Louisa A.

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DISCLAIMER: Results and representations made by Abacus Brain Gym, LearnAbacusOnline.com, and their advertisers/sponsors (collectively, "Abacus Brain Gym") are aspirational statements only of you and your child's potential. The results on this page are based on those reported by the many parents we've worked with throughout the past 20 years. We can in NO way guarantee you will get similar results. Your results vary drastically on the discipline and commitment you put in as a parent to make sure your child continues learning the program and practices the homework lessons. All educational success entails consistent effort and practice. If you're not willing to accept that, this is not for you.
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