Our Story
Discovering and unleashing a little-known yet extremely powerful math superpower!
Hi! I'm Juli Agustar, founder of Abacus Brain Gym and Learn Abacus Online. I'd love to share with you my personal story about how I started this business!
This should be no longer than a 5 minute read, and hopefully it will offer some valuable insight on why I believe this program is so important!

So, my story begins on a vacation trip I took to Asia many years ago with my sister. The hotel we were staying at happened to be hosting a math competition and it was there that I witnessed something that would change my life forever...
There I was... caught with my jaw hanging in utter amazement as I was watching a group of young children competing on stage by accurately answering long math problems at speeds so fast that the person in charge of verifying the answers by punching the numbers into a calculator was struggling to keep up!
I continued to watch as these children kept calculating impossibly long sequences of numbers and they were beating the calculator EVERY TIME! It was truly incredible and something I had NEVER seen before.
I would soon learn that this math "superpower" which I had witnessed these children demonstrate was the results of a sensational training method called Abacus Mental Math.
Being a mother, my immediate instinctive reaction was: "My son NEEDS to learn this!"
Upon returning home to the United States and finding virtually nobody teaching this here, I decided to take it upon myself to go back to Asia and learn from all of the best abacus training centers in order to return with the best curriculum to teach my own son, and soon many others!

That story took place 20 years ago...
Since then, my business Abacus Brain Gym has been teaching and empowering thousands of children with the power of abacus mental math!
We now have partners and locations teaching our curriculum and using our proprietary training software all around the world and we are now also able to reach and teach virtually anyone with our new Learn Abacus Online Learning Platform!

Now, while that wraps up my story, yours might be just beginning...
Parents! I highly encourage you to take the time to thoroughly research and consider introducing your child to Abacus Mental Math! Just a few minutes of reading could drastically impact your child's future! (Click on the button at the end of this page to learn more!)
As both a mother who has put my own son through abacus training and a teacher who has taught many students the same training, I can tell you with absolute certainty that abacus mental math is one of the programs your child should not miss. I cannot tell you how many times parents have come to me to tell me about the results, accomplishments, and confidence their children have gained from learning abacus mental math! My founding mission with Abacus Brain Gym is to make sure that all the children in the world don't miss out on this important training during the most critical developmental years of their brain!
Also, I want to thank you for giving me some of your time and attention to let me share my story and everything I've learned about abacus math! It is what I love doing and it is fun for me because this is what I'm most passionate about! And it will be fun for you too once you start to see what your child is truly capable of and what they will be able to accomplish with abacus mental math! Let this be the thrilling start of you and your child's abacus journey!
Now, are you ready to get started?
Get Started With Our Free Parent Orientation
Access our free parent orientation now and learn more about the curriculum, software, training, and community that has an unbeatable track record of getting exceptional results.
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